Monday, December 30, 2019

The 10 cities where a $100,000 salary will leave you broke

The 10 cities where a $100,000 salary will leave you brokeThe 10 cities where a $100,000 salary will leave you brokeLast month Ladders wrote about how salaries of $100K and below in the super expensive city of San Francisco will put you in the low income bracket in some counties around the Bay Area. This welches already astonishing news, but wait it gets worse. Magnify Money just came out with their annualThe Best and Worst Cities to Live on Six Figures and they found a number of cities will make you spend your $100K salary quite fast and furiously on basic things like rent and food.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Check your LinkedIn contacts after leaving a job

Check your LinkedIn contacts after leaving a jobCheck your LinkedIn contacts after leaving a jobIn our attention economy, likes, connections and followers have monetary value for both you and your employer.But when you and your company break up, who gets to keep the connections you made while you were collecting a paycheck from that company?Ashleigh Peterson became a case study on this dilemma last week after shetook to LinkedIn to air her grievances about her previous employer Hays, a global recruiting and staffing company.Losing thousands of work contacts in an instantPeterson, a recruiter, welches forced to remove thousands of her LinkedIn contacts because Hays claimed the relationships belonged to the company, elend to her - even though it was nearly impossible to tell which had been hers before she joined the company.Delighted to be back up to 4,000 connections, Peterson wrote. It was very frustrating when leaving Hays that the legal department wrote to me threatening legal act ion if I didnt remove any connections that they did business with- especially when they were already connections of mine before joining.Petersons postgathered over 100,000 views, she says, and it caused discussionsin the comments that are still ongoing. Petersons questionis something many of us want to know to what extent does your employer own your social media?In the U.K., its a little clearer theres precedent with courts siding with the employer. Hays even won a case against an ex-employee in 2008. The U.K. court ordered Mark Ions, an ex-Hays consultant, to hand over his LinkedIn contacts after he allegedly used his LinkedIn connections to get clients for his rival agency.But after reading many sympathetic readers calling on her to ask them to prove each and every connection, Peterson nowbelieves she should have challenged it.Without knowing the details of Petersonsemployment contract, we can only speculate about whos in the right about this. What we can do is offer advice so you can avoid behauptung situations.Ladders talked to two legal experts on how employees and employers can clarify social media ownership and avoid legal action.Ask questions about who owns whatWith the question of ownership, University of Florida professor Jasmine McNealy notes that in the United States, its a really unsettled area of law about who owns social media property as it relates to an individual and an employee. Unless youre running the social media account for McDonalds- then its obvious you dont own that social media account.But for the rest of us who are building professional connections through our personal brand, the number one thing ownershipdepends on, McNealy said, is whether or not, they expressed ownership of your social media in youremployment contract.Here are questions employees can answers to decide whether or not your boss owns your social mediaWho set up your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram account?Does your employer know yourpassword?Is your employers name in your Twitter handle?Who else isallowed to post on yoursocial media site?Who ultimately makeseditorial decisions? If youremployer is part of your answers, then your employer canassert that they own it because one of the factors around ownership is whether or not you had control andaccess, McNealy said. Other factors can include the jurisdiction youre living in and where you take the case tocourt.A yes to any of these questions can swing the influence over your account to your employer, rather than you - a dangerous factor for people in recruiting, sales, or other professions where LinkedIn is a crucial tool for work.For Petersons situation, McNealy sees both sides.How can any company really claim that they own these connections that their employee cultivated? Peoples reactions are valid because the individual, for the most part I would say, puts forth the labor tomake those connections, even if the labor is just posting on Twitter. Its still labor.On the other hand, she sees the other side if an ex-employee decides to take relevant company contacts and use them for this rival business, then you can see okay, they have some underhanded mission going on here.Get clarity upfront before you start your jobIts always better to raise questions around social media ownership before you sign an employment contract,David Harmon, an employment attorney and partner at Norris, McLaughlin Marcus, tells Ladders.If theres one message to give to people, its really a matter of going in with your eyes and ears open, knowing what the policies and procedures are, asking what they are, so theres clarification at the outset and really understanding what the agreement says within the restrictions.Getting this clarificationbenefits the employer as well as the employee You dont want your employee to be making posts that dont represent your values, McNealy said.Harmon compares obtaining these social media rules to being a safe driver Know the rules of the road before you get on the highway.Create separate accountsMcNealy suggests employees can create separate social media accounts for personal and professional use.It is perfectly okay to have two separate accounts, McNealy said. Now this doesnt automatically meanthat if youre using your professional account to promote your employment stuff that your company is going to own it at all. What it does do isseparate your individual connections from your connections that yourecultivating for the professional side.Put policiesdown in writingThese are not questions to bring up just in conversation. You want employersanswerswritten down, especially if you face legal action later on. Ultimately this is going tocome down to what you know from your contract and what youve been told. Getting things expressly stated is always the best thing, McNealy said.And if all else fails and you find yourself facing legal action, take a deep breath. Dont panic. Contact a legal professional, McNealy advises. It may cost money, but you do have a chance of prevailing.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Find the Best News Stories

Find the Best News StoriesFind the Best News StoriesNews reporters are often judged on the quality of their nachrichtensendung ideas. These 10 ways to find news ideas will help you break stories and win the respect of your newsroom managers. Talk to People This may landseem obvious, but many reporters spend their time talking to each other or listening to the usual government officials or public relations representatives that they miss talking to real people. Find people at a ball game, charity walk or grocery store and discover the news ideas that are important to them. The stories they want to be covered will likely go beyond the usual press conferences and other easy assignments you usually get. Research Social Media As a journalist, your social media strategy should involve more than just posting photos on Facebook or tweeting about a car wreck. You have unique tools to uncover what people are talking about with each other. Seek out the people who represent the audience o f your media company and scan their posts or become involved in a conversation. Because more local news can save a TV station or newspaper, this is where youll find local stories about schools, churches, and talk-about issues. Look Backward and Forward Pull out a calendar to see what was making news one year ago, five years ago or a decade ago. Important anniversaries can make for compelling stories if your community had suffered through a devastating hurricane, hostage drama or city hall controversy. Maybe a huge construction project was launched to much fanfare exactly a year ago. Check on the progress. You can also look forward to telling your audience members that theyre just a year away from the opening of a new shopping mall thats being built. Profile Newsmakers You cover the mayor, police chief, and other dignitaries every day. But there are personal stories to share beyond the routine assignments. The police chief might be an expert golfer. The mayor might have been an only child. Reveal the hearts and minds of the people your audience members believe they already know. Youll find there are compelling stories waiting to be told. Localize a National Story Scan the headlines to see whats making news in Washington, New York or across the country. Even if youre thousands of miles away from the action, you can localize the story to bring it closer to home. School shootings have sadly become frequent. The next time it happens, investigate what your local school system is doing to keep students safe. A deadly apartment building fire in aelendher city might be the peg for you to check on local fire codes to see if apartment dwellers are any safer in your town. Share Stories About Schools and Young People Classrooms are filled with news ideas, from new technology thats replacing textbooks to the latest teaching methods. Attending a parent-teacher association meeting might give you a list of topics to pursue. Best of all, these types of stories w ill help you reach your target demographics. Most media companies follow the latest demographic trends, which usually means targeting young families and children the advertisers dream audience because its easier to sell products to them. Investigate Weather Stories Weather is more than just presenting the forecast. Weather stories affect everyones life and some peoples livelihood. Unusually dry or wet weather can have an economic effect on farmers. The wrong weather can spell trouble for those in the tourism industry who count on sunny, dry days to attract visitors. Unless the weather is absolutely average, theres a story to tell. Reveal the Stories Behind the Sports Scores Your sports department can handle highlights and scores. But theres so much more to athletic competition and the desire to win that a news reporter can share. The use of performance-enhancing drugs in professional sports could lead you to a little league baseball game or high school football game to talk with parents about whether pro athletes remain desired role models for their children. Sports injuries are a concern for every parent, especially when a child feels pressure to play hurt. Sports can build your audience when you deliver people-driven stories. Turn Economic Stories on Their Heads Economic stories have predictable winners and losers, at least according to conventional wisdom. You can challenge that thinking by showing the reverse of what most people think. Most people will report the good news that home prices are down, which is perfect for people looking to buy. You can report that its not good news for people hoping to sell, especially when their homes are worth less than what they paid for them. The bad news that dairy prices are up turns out to be good news for those in the cattle industry. Seek both sides of economic stories. Take a Drive Sometimes, your own eyes will lead you to great news ideas. Get in your car to cruise the streets in search of stories . You may find abandoned homes being demolished, a long-standing business thats closing its doors or a dangerous intersection that needs an overhaul. These are stories that cant be found online or by working the phones. Get to know the community that you cover. Even the best reporters sometimes encounter a dry day when they cant come up with news ideas. Commit this list to memory and youll save time when trying to hunt down something to report.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Answer, Tell Me About Yourself, in an Interview

How to Answer, Tell Me About Yourself, in an InterviewHow to Answer, Tell Me About Yourself, in an InterviewTell me about yourself. Its one of the most common (and tricky) job interview questions. Even so, many job seekers dont take the question seriously, thinking its just an icebreaker meant to put them at ease.But they should carefully consider their response, because tell me about yourself is more than a throwaway opener for most interviewers. When hiring managers pose this open-ended question, theyre hoping candidates will give them some insight as to why they think theyre a good fit for the job. Theyre also using it to learn about applicants priorities, which gives them a better sense of who each job candidate really is.And thats not all Interviewers also ask this question to judge how articulate and confident interviewees are, which in turn gives them a view of how new hires might present themselves to customers, clients and colleagues if they get the job.As a job seeker, know ing how to answer, tell me about yourself, gives you a great opportunity to spotlight the skills and experience that make you the ideal candidate for the job. And because its the question most hiring managers lead with, its also your way to start off on the right foot. Here are a few more job interview tips to help you nail your responseWhat you should not sayMany job candidates make the mistake of answering this question with talk of something personal - their family, kids or hobbies. Some even launch into their life story, starting with their hometown and continuing on through their college graduation.Alternately, others share descriptions of the problems in their current job, explaining that they applied for this sttte because their commute is horrible, their boss is a jerk or their employer wont allow them to work a flexible schedule.And some job seekers simply summarize their resume, going point-by-point through their work experience and education history.All three of these re sponses can quickly send your new-job dreams down the tubes. If you answer with either of the first two, hiring managers see a red flag - an indication that youre not that serious about the position or simply trying to escape a bad situation at your current job.And if you go with the third approach, youre throwing away an opportunity. You can assume the interviewers read your resume before inviting you in for the interview, and they dont need you to walk them through it. Theyd rather hear you highlight what makes you a greatfit for the job.SUBMIT YOUR RESUMECraft an elevator pitchThe best way of knowing how to answer, tell me about yourself, is to make sure you succinctly and clearly explain how youre qualified for this particular job and - just as important - why you want it. So before you start crafting your selling points, spend some time reviewing the job description in the recruitment ad for the position and researching the company. That way youll have a good understanding o f what the hiring manager is looking for as far as qualifications, experience and fit with the organizational culture.Next, prepare a short script that highlights the skills, strengths and expertise you have that make you especially qualified for this particularposition. Follow that with the reasons youre applying for the job, focusing on career-related motivations such as the desire to build your experience and take on added responsibilities. Conclude with a brief statement explaining why working for this specific company appeals to you.A strong sample answerHeres an example of an excellent response to tell me about yourself for a job seeker applying for a senior administrative assistant position with a clean-energy companyIve been working as an administrative assistant for three years. At my current job in the finance department of a midsize company, I handle scheduling, meeting and travel planning for four executives and 20 staff members. I also help prepare correspondence, prese ntations and reports.Im known for being a detail-oriented, well-organized team player. I never miss deadlines, Im a good communicator and I can juggle multiple tasks at once. In my performance reviews, my supervisor always notes that he appreciates my professionalism and enthusiasm for the job.With this experience under my belt, Im looking for an opportunity to take the next step in my career. Im hoping to do so in an organization like yours that works to improve the environment, which is something Im passionate about.A final word on how to answer, tell me about yourselfBe concise. Dont take up too much time with your response. You dont have to tell the hiring manager every single thing that makes you a good fit for the position. Just give a few important details that will spark their interest in learning more about you, and youll get the interview off to a strongstart.Related posts on interview questionsHow to Answer, Whats Your Expected Salary?How to Talk About Your Weaknesses in a Job InterviewBehavioral Interview Questions and How to Answer Them Tags

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Air Force Technical School Restrictions

Air Force Technical School RestrictionsAir Force Technical School RestrictionsWhen you arrive at Air Force technical school, one of the first things youll notice is all those people running around with different color braided ropes over their left shoulders. Who are these guys? Well, the ropes are students who have special leadership responsibilities, or who perform special duties. Special Duty Ropes There are three special duty positions for student ropes White Rope - Chapel GuideBlack Rope - Student Drill Teams and Special Activities TeamsSilver or Blue White Drum and Bugle Corps Airman Leaders The purpose of an Airman leader is to assist MTLs, improve Airman morale, and enhance personal leadership skills. Airmen leaders supervise or monitor students assigned to their squadron or placed under their charge. Green RopeA Green Rope is a Bay Chief or Element Leader. Motivated students volunteer for this position. They are typically responsible for all Airmen assigned to a dor mitory bay and/or element, and, and are generally the ones who march the students to and from class. Yellow RopeThe Yellow Rope is a Floor Rope or Flight Leader. They are typically responsible for all Airmen assigned to a dormitory floor and/or flight. Its one step up from the Green Rope. They generally have greater responsibility, and supervision authority. They are usually responsible to ensure the dormitories are maintained up to standards. Green Ropes who show exceptional leadership skills can be selected for this position. Red RopeIt is the top student teamberater (shift leader). He/she is selected from Yellow Ropes who show exceptional leadership qualities. The Red Ropes usually work directly for the Chief and Senior MTL, and provides general supervision and guidance to the other student ropes. Red ropes are responsible for all Airmen assigned to a shift or squadron. It is the highest leadership position a student can obtain in technical school. Selection of Airman Leaders Airman leaders will be in the grade of Airman First Class and have a minimum 80 percent grade average or, if amember has no grade average, be progressing satisfactorily. The assistant flight chief or higher will approve candidates to become Airman leaders after a review of their student records and personal interview. In making selections, the assistant flight chief considers the following disciplinary infractions, BMT report card, instructor recommendations, and past leadership experience. Note If no qualified Airmen First Class are assigned to the unit, Airman leaders may be selected from the ranks of Airman and, subsequently, Airman Basic. The Airman leader program consists of three phases Phase I is receiving and reviewing the Airman leader guide (ALG). Phase II is attending the Airman leader course (ALC) conducted by the MTSF, and Phase III is continuation training in the squadron. The Assistant Flight Chief or higher will remove Airman leader status from Airmen who abuse thei r authority or fail to perform assigned duties. If an Airman leaders grade average falls below 80 percent or he or she fails to progress satisfactorily, he or she may continue in Airman leader status until the next spektrum test or retest. Results from the block test or retest will determine continued Airman leader status. Only an assistant flight chief or higher may reinstate Airman leader status.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Details of Financial Advisor Resume

Details of Financial Advisor Resume The One Thing to Do for Financial Advisor Resume Professionally written financial advisor cover letters will allow you to obtain the attention you should secure an interview. Added information concerning the application are available here. Make a list of absolutely whatever youve done that may be useful on a resume. You will find more information on their official site. Financial Advisor Resume An LLC separates your business assets from your own personal assets and is frequently required for advisers thatll be acting as custodians. Just be sure you have completed each of the research you will need to so that your company can be educated and informed on the procedure for Charitable Donations. The very last thing you want as a provider is to collect a corporate philanthropy package simply to see it have a negative influence on your bottom line. Your company is extremely reputable and has had a positive effect on its clientele. LinkedIn is a favorite business-related social media website. So when the hiring company hasnt provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to think of a sensible estimate for what you may count on. Career experts advise that you customize your resume for each job, especially at the start of your resume. Financial planning goes together with technology. Financial advisors should have strong communication skills and an ability to spell out the services and strategies they supply. They are expected to help clients navigate the world of investment products. Financial advisors are professionals accountable for managing client finances so as to help achieve long term and short-term financial targets. Most individuals in the industry development field possess an impressive mixture of skills. As opposed to boast about all your previous accomplishments, list ways that a few specific abilities or achievements could benefit that specific firm. Youll compre hend the advisory procedure and the way the professional selects appropriate investments for you. Financial Advisor Resume for Dummies Your client would like to hear your storyand know your objective. The financial advisor sample resume provided below should provide you a nice framework to start from. When an advisor can understand and affirm the customer and communicate the specifics of how and why they can aid their client, theyll succeed. In the end, you have to adopt the right layout for your financial advisor resume. The education procedure may consist of comprehensive help with financial topics. Extensive practice at ones craft ought to be regarded as desirable. While Canadian resumes are available in many distinct formats, they share some standards that you ought to know about. You will need to go through various stages of the application process before it is possible to attain your career objectives. With that, theres an enormous likelihood you will stick out from the crowd. Todays world provides great opportunities in addition to competitions to a guy. Bank tellers will handle more cash in 1 day than most individuals touch in months, therefore its vital to employ trustworthy individuals. Landing a job for a bank teller is fantastic as its respectable work with a good salary that needs no experience (although experience is fantastic too). The 2nd most valuable asset is your knowledge of peoples financial targets and lifestyles. In our instance, the applicant is very talented at working with customers. In general, your resume education section matters a good deal. In the end, the opening sentences of your very first paragraph should incorporate some facets of your experience and your function in the business.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Emotional Intelligence Why Bother

Emotional Intelligence Why Bother Recently, a client called and askedme to do a speaking engagement for a major insurance company on thetopic of emotional intelligence (EQ). I explained that it takes a great deal of pain to convince peopleto accept input on the matter of emotional intelligence, and that they generally only do so if changing would create more of what they wanted from their careers.For example, if avice president suddenly falls out of their $175,000 base-pay job and finds themselves on the job hunt again, then theyd have impetus to listen to my advice about emotional intelligence. The same goes for someone who is continually turned down for leadership roles and tired of the constant rejection.Ultimately, all motivation comes from within, and it often arises from pain and suffering.Emotional intelligence is seen by many as one of HRsfluffy subjects. Usually, when people talk about it, their advice falls on deaf ears.But maybe just mayb e if you had some hard data about the importanceof EQ, you wouldnt be so quick to dismiss it like everybody else.Consider These Statistics About Emotional Intelligence- The United States Air Force increased retention by 92 percent byscreening candidates according to their EQ.- In 2003, LOreal salespeople who were selected on account oftheir EQtraktament an average of $91,370 dollars worth of product more than those who were not hired based on emotional intelligence. Furthermore, these samesalespeople had 63 percent less turnover in their first year.- Managers at American Express who underwent emotional intelligence training grew business byan average of 18.1 percent in the course of a year, compared to 16.2 percent for those who did not receive the training.So its clear that emotional intelligence has real business results and the best part is it can be developed over time.How Does EQ Work, Anyway?According to Travis Bradberry, president of EQ assessment provider TalentSmart,The c ommunication between your emotional and rational brains is the physical source of emotional intelligence. The pathway for emotional intelligence starts in the brain, at the spinal cord. Your primary senses enter here and must travel to the front of your brain before you can think rationally about your experience. However, first they travel through the limbic system, the distributionspolitik where emotions are generated. So, we have an emotional reaction to events before our rational mind is able to engage. Emotional intelligence requires effective communication between the rational and emotional centers of the brain.Signals with high emotional stimulus that are sent to the brain cause us to react to events and people. Overtime,our emotional reactions become habitual ways of thinking and reacting.But that doesnt mean we are stuck with these habits of thinking and reacting. Developing and improving emotional intelligence is possible. And when you have a higher EQ, you gain the ability to hit the pause button, in a way. Rather than indulging in every emotion you feel, youll be able to stop and consider whether or not the emotion is worth it.On the flip side, if you dont develop your EQ, youll find yourself constantly in reaction mode. That can be a real career-killer.Do I Need to Develop My EQ More?Not sure if youremotional intelligence needs a little fine-tuning? Consider how much these statements apply to youYou find yourselfofteninterrupting others during conversations.Failure isnt an vorkaufsrecht for you.You dont care if you arent liked.You hold everyone around you to the same high expectations you have for yourself.You are hyper-focused on processes and objectives, but not very focused on people or relationships.If these statements describe you, then you might need to work on developing your EQ.The payoff for EQ development is huge, especially for people who constantly find themselvesfrustrated and irritated at work. Not only will they find more success in their careers, but they may also findmore peace in their lives.A version of this article originally appeared on LinkedIn.Elizabeth Lions is an executive career coach. You can learn more